Sunday, December 7, 2008

Prep Work & Counting Down the Days

Well - the work is continuing and things are getting closer to being ready. We had a crew of workers this past Saturday and things really came together! Dad, Tim Keckler, Billie and Mark, Andrew and Jennifer all came to help us polish and shine up the machinery. Yes it's true - if things are clean and polished up it looks like someone really cares for their equipment - inside and out - and things sell better. Most of the pieces are usually cleaner than most people keep them already, but Greg is a little OCD about these things, so clean we did! After getting done, Billie, Jenn and I would call over the Inspector General (Greg) to have our work inspected. We usually passed with flying colors and things really did look alot better after we got done. It was alot of work, and we can't thank everyone enough for all their hard work. We got to work inside, but the guys had the tough part working in the freezing cold! The sale day is projected to be about 10 degrees, but no wind and sunny. I guess we can hope for the best - but it is going to be cold!!! So this week will be spent finishing the combine, and the semi trailer - then on Thursday the line up will begin! It will be so exciting and emotional at the same time - I'm not sure how I will feel. And Greg - I know he's ready - but I also know what a life change this is for him....he's not just quitting a regular job - this has been his life. But we both know there are many exciting changes ahead for us. Now - let's pray for sun, no wind, and lots of anxious bidders! I will post some pics from the sale and the after party next week. Take care everyone!

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